It's hard to believe we are headed into August and that school is starting soon. So not ready for that!! I'm pressing the pause on summer like…
Speaking of summer, I want to share a special ray of sunshine with you and her name is Micah Bishop. A Bay Area native and an Advertising & Lifestyle Wardrobe Stylist by trade, she is the very cool owner of the newly launched BISHOP, a beautifully curated online shop that offers naturally handmade lifestyle goods. Micah has hand-picked each item in her store to reflect her fabulous sense of design and style including my organic rosewater mist. I’m a little excited to have made her selective list. Rosewater is perfect to cool, calm, hydrate and tone the skin during hot summer months!
"I was born and raised in Shasta County, California. Currently, live in San Francisco with the two loves of my life, my husband David and son Max. Along my career path as an Advertising & Lifestyle Wardrobe Stylist, I have met some talented designers and artists. Thought it would be lovely to bring them together under one website.
Before I could begin, I needed my personal path to connect with my professional. Finding the courage and confidence, listening to my intuition and giving myself permission to step out of my comfort zone to grow into something new. This is how our curated shop began.
We do our best to bring you goods that we think you will love because we love them.
I am proud of the love poured into this business. Thankful for the connections I have made on this journey. It's an exciting time to be a woman in business."
One of the positive things that have come out of a challenging year as a small business owner is that I've had the opportunity to connect and collaborate with amazing female business entrepreneurs like Micah Bishop. We have inspired each other as well as shared our challenges of running our micro-businesses all the while being a mother and virtual school assistant to our kids.
I think it’s so important for us women to support and lift each other up as we navigate this thing called life, sisterhood and motherhood together. On this journey there no manual so let us be guided by our hearts and find strength in our togetherness!
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